Stage a Berlino - Come presentare domanda

Si prega di richiedere uno stage entro e non oltre 4 settimane prima dell'arrivo. Il processo di applicazione sarà simile a questo:

  1. Hold your CV ready
    ideally in German, but English is ok, too.  See here a sample CV in German
  2. Apply
    by filling out this application form
  3. Wait 1 or 2 days
    We´ll tell you within max. 2 weekdays if we can find you an internship in the professional field that you choose (see the options).
  4. Confirmation
    If you reply to our mail and RE-CONFIRM your application, we will send out a letter of acceptance and an invoice.

And after your arrival in Berlin:

The internship program starts with a German language course (see requirements). The schedule below shows what will happen during the 4 course weeks prior to the start of the internship:

Week 1Meeting in the GLS office with the internship coordinator:
We brush up your CV if necessary and work on a letter of motivation with you
Week 290 minute coaching session with a GLS teacher:
The coaching will prepare you for your job interview
Week 3Job interview at the company that GLS has found for you
Week 4Should the company refuse you, a second interview at another company
Week 5Internship starts
During the internship you can attend an evening German course for free:
4 weeks with 2 x 2 lessons, TUE and THU, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm